4-H Pledge
I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking.
My HEART to greater loyalty
My HANDS to larger service
And my HEALTH to better living for
My Club, My Community, My Country and My World

Overview & Mission
Washington County 4-H is one the largest youth organizations in the county working with 4,685 members in grades 4-12 enrolled. 4-H is a nationally recognized program offered in each state through the land grant universities. In our case, we are a part of The University of Tennessee Extension. Our local 4-H program is focusing on Workforce Preparation with our mission to offer educational programs for youth to better equip them with the skills necessary to make them productive citizens in the future. The 4-H program has made a tremendous impact on the youth of our nation for over 100 years and many here in our own community have benefited greatly from their participation in the 4-H program. All 4-H projects and activities are based on a model to develop life skills in teamwork, achieving goals, responsibility, leadership, citizenship, communication, positive self-esteem, and ethical decision making, building relationships and making healthy lifestyle choices. We offer a variety of 4-H programs to help youth learn and grow through hand-on learning.
Our 4-H program partners with Washington County Schools to deliver educational programming and projects that meet TN education standards and teach life skills. We also offer after school programs with both Washington County and Johnson City School systems and serve as guest speakers. Our programs help students learn how to set & achieve goals, enhance their communication/public speaking skills, experience STREAM activities, learn teamwork and many other skills.
For our high school youth a financial management enrichment program entitled “On My Own” is also offered.
Honor Club gives 6-12 grade youth the opportunity to build their citizenship and leadership skills. Students also have the opportunity to serve and get involved beyond the county level. All-Star Conferences, TN Congress, Roundup and Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference are just a few opportunities that our honor club youth can take advantage of to meet new people while enjoying fun trips.
Camp applications:
4-H Poster Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcoposterrules
Digital Poster: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcodigitalposter
Star Student: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcostarstudent
Heritage Skills Project Group: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcoheritageskills
Public Speaking Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcopublicspeaking
Piggy Bank Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcopiggybank
Environmental Essay Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcoenvessay
Demonstration Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcodemocontest
Exhibit Contest: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcoexhibit
600A Health Form: https://tiny.utk.edu/600A
Child Release Form: https://tiny.utk.edu/childreleaseform
Enrollment form 4th Grade: https://tiny.utk.edu/4thgradeenrollment
Enrollment form 5th – 12th grade: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcoenrollment5th-12th
Chick Chain Application: https://tiny.utk.edu/washcochickchain25
Contact Information

Barbara Nuckols
4-H Program Assistant II
Phone: 423-753-1680
Email: bnuckols@utk.edu

Juanita Miles
4-H Program Assistant II
Phone: 423-753-1680
Email: jmiles8@utk.edu

Makayla Phipps
4-H/AG Agent
Phone: 423-753-1680
Email: mphipps@utk.edu