Washington County has a strong background with area agencies and networking on behalf of family programs. Program area focuses address health and safety, human development, food and nutrition.
Educational programs focus on strengthening individuals, families and communities by addressing critical issues and needs, such as teaching parenting skills, improving nutrition and health, managing family finances, addressing child care needs, and others.
Listed below are a few programs offered through the Washington County Extension. For more detailed information about the program contact the person listed with the program or the Washington County Extension. Please visit fcs.tennessee.edu for a more extensive list of programs.
Visit Our YouTube Channel: UT Extension Washington County for Food Preservation Classes & Videos!
Contact Information

Elizabeth Renfro
Extension Agent III
Phone: 423-753-1680
Email: eelizond@utk.edu

Lucy Timbs
Extension Agent I
Phone: 423-753-1680
Email: ltimbs1@utk.edu